The 95th Bomb Group (H)

The 95th Bomb Group (H)

Justice with Victory


The 95th takes to the skies again!


Colonel David Leaumont

The 95th Wing officially and fully activates 28 February 2025. Up until this point, we had been a Provisional unit developed to pave the way for full activation. We will be operating 2 aircraft - the E-4B Nightwatch is our primary flying missions and we also fly as a part of the crew on the E-6B. Both are colloquially called the "Doomsday" planes. The E-4B is the National Airborne Operations Center and the E-6B is the Looking Glass. We are very excited! Invitations are going out this week for the official ceremony which will be on 28 March 2025 at Offutt AFB. Appropriately, the ceremony will begin at 9:50 AM.

We have several other related missions, but here are the overviews of our flying mission.

An overview of the E-4B:

An overview of the E-6B:


Membership Keeps Us Flying!


Your membership in the Foundation has sustained the 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation over the past 30 years. The Foundation supports our six memorial sites, maintains our websites and directory, sends birthday, get-well and condolence cards to our veterans and widows, and supports the research and education efforts that are our mission . Without you, this wonderful organization would not exist!

We are most excited to share the news that on 16 January 2025 the 95th Bomb Group was reactivated by the Secretary of the United States Air Force as the 95th Wing at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. We have already developed a partnership with the incoming wing commander, Col. Dave Leaumont, who is diligently incorporating the 95th history and legacy into the 95th wing. On 28 Mar 2025, the activation ceremony will take place at Offutt AFB in the Bennie Davis Doc 1.

2024 was an exciting year topped off by a tremendously successful reunion in Ogden, Utah last June, and the online publication of “ B-17s Over Berlin: Personal Stories of Courage, Honor, Victory” in Kindle format. What a great way to introduce the next generation to our heroes!

Our good friends in Horham will be hosting a celebratory reunion to recognize the 80th anniversary of the ending of World War II from May 8–14. This promises to be a rewarding time as we gather once again to honor the men of the 95th who helped bring peace to the war-torn continent of Europe. Please email Sophie Green to to get more information and register for the reunion.

If you’re not already a member, please join us! If you are a member, please renew your membership to support the work of the 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation as we look ahead to building the organization for generations to come. To join or renew, click the button at the top of the page.

Thank you for your support in the past, and for supporting the 95th long into the future!

Toby Mumford, President
John Mollison, Membership Chair (



The 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation is an IRS approved 501(c)3 organization whose purpose is to educate the public regarding the history of the 95th Bomb Group (H) and its role in the air campaign over central Europe during World War II.

To accomplish this purpose the Foundation develops and maintains exhibits, promotes the study and recognition of the emotional involvement of the aircrews and their related attached units, provides for appropriate recognition of all members of the 95th Bomb Group who gave up their lives, and serves as a philanthropic corporation.

The 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation is also charged with the preservation of memorials created by the veterans of the 95th Bomb Group Association, our predecessor organization.  These include, but are not limited to memorials located at the following:

The United States Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, CO

National Museum of the U.S. Air Force Memorial Garden
Dayton, OH

National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force
Savannah, GA

The Ring of Eight and B-17 Tail
Horham, UK

Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, VA


How it all began…


After World II ended, the 95th airbase at Horham, England was closed and returned to farmland, and the veterans returned to the states. Years later, they began to re-connect with each other at the Mighty Eighth Air Force reunions.  It was at one of these reunions in 1977 that a group of 95th veterans decided to have reunions of their own, for the sole purpose of reuniting those who served in the 95th Bomb Group.


This idea led them to create the 95th Bomb Group (H) Associationwhich consisted only of veterans who had served in the 95th Bomb Group.   Starting in 1981, the Association met regularly and created several memorials to honor 95th veterans who were lost in the war.

The veterans realized that in order for their legacy to continue, the next generation needed to become involved.  In 1995, the 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation, Inc. was formed, a 501(c)(3) non-profit Arizona corporation.  In 2004, the 95th Bomb Group Association disbanded and veterans and legacy members consolidated under the umbrella of the 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation, Inc. 

Board of Directors and Committees

Articles of Incorporation
