The 95th Bomb Group (H)
A Gathering of Men
They came from city and hamlet, woods and farmland, from coast and plain: boys, most of them, whom the War would christen men. Many began their journey by registering at their hometown post office. The majority may have dreamed of becoming pilots, but what they “might like to do” was not always what the Army Air Force … (read more)
The Group Insignia
The group insignia, approved by Colonel Kessler and subsequently the War Department, was chosen from a selection submitted by the men of the 95th. The officers picked the design of a Private Robert N. Robertson and wrote about it in the group’s Wingspread newsletter in February 1943:
“The insignia chosen goes back to the ancient symbolism of heraldry for its various parts. The shield is the shield of Justin, the early Roman ruler whose benevolent reign gave rise to many of our democratic institutions. The word ‘justice’ springs from the name Justin – who formed many civil courts and advanced fair administration far beyond the other administrations of the time. The cross is the Justinian cross… and the red feather is the red badge of courage. The motto ‘Victory with Justice’ arise from the noblest among sentiments… We are at war – not for conquest, nor for the domination of smaller nations. We are fighting for our lives, our principles… and the safeguarding of our institutions & our property. The feather is red, the cross white and the background blue… the colors of the flag aptly fitting to our battle emblem… The insignia will be our signature and calling card. It will mark our role in the fight. The group will be known by this sign wherever it goes. We are the ones who will decide its fate in the future. On us will depend its position among the many insignia enlisted in the good cause.”
Although the insignia stayed as described in the newsletter, the slogan changed to ‘Justice with Victory’ by the time the insignia gained official approval.
Air Force Combat Units of World War II, a publication of HQ USAFA Historical Research Center at Maxwell Air Base in Alabama notes the following: “The Justin cross denotes the expression ‘By the sign we conquer,’ the red feather symbolizes courage, and the blue is for the sky.”
The Four Squadrons of the 95th Bomb Group (H)
Squadron Officers and Staff
Rapid City, South Dakota – 1943